Monthly Archives: January 2011

Gone Clubbing

Time to share what’s new with the Tron: Morphology project.

Lesley’s coming this weekend to do some choreography, makeup tests, etc. I’ve started storyboarding a bit. And I’ve started building the digital sets.

Remember the End of Line club in Legacy? Looked something like this?

The End of Line club as seen in Tron: Legacy. Click to embiggen.

Anyways, it’s awesome. It’s also the basis for the location of the second phase of the fight between Niko and Kadij. I decided to kind of rotate the club 90 degrees on its axis to make the space a bit more of an arena, since there’s going to be a wicked disc battle there. Also, I started with one side of the club:

Photo of the set from the movie.

An ambient-occlusion render of the set thus far.. bar, stools, comfy lounge couches. Click to embiggen.

It’s meant to be a little tighter, a little less refined, than the EOL club from the movie, since it’s set earlier in the Tron mythology and is its kind of baby cousin, if you will, but it’s looking groovy so far. Can’t wait to get the rest of the modelling done and get some textures in there.. it’s going to be a smorgasbord of reflections, particles flying everywhere, physics simulations, and shattering stuff. This is why I’m upgrading my computer.

Also trying to figure out just how we’re going to light the actors now. The whole “illuminated floor” thing is cool when you’ve got the budget for an illuminated floor… but… argh. We’ll have to figure something out.

Paddle your own canoe, guys and gals,



Every time I start to work on the Recognizer for Morphology, I always think of the big genetic opera song in Repo! for some reason. It’s called We Started This Op’ra Shit (click through for the song), and in spite of not really having anything to do with Recognizers, it kind of sums up the Recognizer on approach. Somehow. It just seems like the Recognizer demands that you testify your loyalty to Clu and his forces… this big, heavy thing that seems so unwieldy that it must have some immense power behind it in order to move at all. It’s almost a celebration of that raw brute force. Hence the connection to the Repo! song.

Back on track.

The Recognizer landing, as seen in Legacy.

Anyways, other than having random rock opera tracks free-associated with it, the Recognizer, as I’ve said time and again, has been kicking my ass. I haven’t been able to get the proportions right, I haven’t been able to get the weight right, I haven’t been able to get the texture anywhere near right, it’s too curvy, too angular, too crappy. So for the last week I’ve been using what little spare time I have to try and get it right. Unfortunately, as always, I released art before I was happy with the result. Exhibit A: Jan. 19th, on the forums:

Just wanted to share this: Still a work in progress (you can see there’s still a lot of details needed).


Eurgh. Reco from Jan 19th. Click to embiggen.. if you want 😦

The hell was I thinking? It’s nowhere near ready for consumption. And as bad as it looks, mechanically it’s worse. There are tons of things that are just not right about the model that scream to be fixed.

Fortunately, I took another shot at it again tonight. Hopefully I’m redeemed. I’m finally approaching happy with this model.

Better. Click to embiggen. This one you want to.

Things to do involve rigging it up with some more orange, some lights, and its maneuvering jet things, other than continuing to clean up the mesh and the textures. I’m also trying to decide how detailed I want the cockpit to be.

By the way: Notice Kadij down there? That’s the scale of this mofo. Big. Can’t wait to have Kadij dive from this beast after Niko. It’s going to be epic.

Paddle your own canoe, guys and gals.



There are always problems that arise when it comes to doing any film project, let alone one as effects-heavy as Morphology will be. Especially things like combining live-action with CGI in the same character, as we’ll be doing with Kadij. You’ve already seen her final draft, but there’s more to Kadij than just the helmet prop. I’m not even talking about the glowy Tron-bits on her. She’s going to have an articulated set of wings, based loosely on the set that Sam used to base-jump to freedom with and that these guys glided around on:

Tron black guard with wings
One of Clu’s black guards with wings

So, the first problem is exactly what these are going to look like. Problem number one is that I have no idea how the wings were actually attached to the Black Guards in Legacy. Problem number two is that Kadij’s wings need to look less sophisticated than the Black Guards’ do without looking like Lego stapled to her back. Problem three is figuring out how they’re supposed to move. And that’s just on the design front.

Part of my process is multitasking. Whether or not it It’s a sort of creative visualization exercise. I’ll have two notebooks in front of me while in class, or have a sketchbook or my computer while watching TV or a movie. I’ll work the left-brain right-brain split, use the right-brain output to free up left-brain processing power. It may sound unintuitive, but it does help. It also gives me a scratchpad in class so that I don’t clutter up my notes with off-the-cuff notes or ideas.

So, the other day, I got this sketched up for Kadij’s wings:


Kadij's wings

Sketch of the design of Kadij's wings, including how they form. Click to embiggen

Ironic, that one of the scratch-notes is for a book called “The Myth of Multi-tasking.”

So, a couple of solutions. To the problem of where the wings attach, I’ve decided to grow them out of the identity disc itself, so that it’s more of an extension of the program than some sort of attachment. To make them look prototypical, which is the buzzword with everything in this flick, they’re more angular, less refined, less structured than the original and will open more like a switchblade than a motorized system. And they’re less efficient, bleeding off some of their energy into a sort of heat exhaust. I’ll post WIPs of the 3D model when I have them.

All of this talk about prototypicality is really getting my brain-juices flowing about the Recognizer. I think that I’ll tackle that again soon. It’s really been kicking my ass.

Another problem that I’ve had to solve is tracking Lesley’s head and body for these CG costume elements and props. The problem stems from simple limitations in the software I have. I don’t have a 3D motion-capture solution, just After Effects’ built-in motion tracker tools. They only work in 2 dimensions, so I have to figure out a way to use AE’s 2D tracking and a bit of 3D spoofing to get the elements to move properly in 3D space, which is essential because they’re so reflective. They have to properly raytrace everything in the scene, otherwise the illusion’s thrown. So, while waiting for a friend after class the other day, I drew up this:


Mocap solution

Sketch and early maths for motion tracking solutions. Click to embiggen

I realized as soon as I put the sketchbook away that I’d made a mistake. I can track Lesley’s face, for sure. I can use that to fix the wings to her back. The same method can work for both CG costume elements. I can get the tracking data into 3D Studio Max, and then link the helmet to that track data.


As soon as Lesley moves towards or away from the camera, the tracking data, because it’s done in two dimensions and not three, is going to be wrong as soon as I start moving the helmet model in 3D. I’m not yet sure how to correct for that. Minimizing her coming towards and away from the camera is one option. That’s simple enough to do, but feels like a cop-out. Doing a manual track is another option. That would be more time-consuming, but would work. I guess we’ll find out in the post process, but if I can figure out a way to compensate for it mathematically using some sort of script, I might do that. If I decide on an origin point, and record how far she travels in what amount of time, I might be able to scale the tracking data itself as a function of time.

I’m thinking on the page now. Probably not scintillating reading, but such is the nature of the spillway. I spill. If you have any insights, I’d love to hear them!

Paddle your own canoe, guys and gals.


Tron Short has a New Name

Example of how the process on this movie works.

Trevor: At this point my brain has been calling it “isomorph,” but that’s kind of lame.
Leslei: Maybe, like, “Morphology”?
Trevor: Ooooh… doesn’t apply 100% but it is cool. Problem is, like, nothing’s really changing in the short. Unless… Unless we have Kadij identify the ISO as possessing “inferior morphology” or something.
Leslei: Eh, it doesn’t have to be SUPER HYPER relevant. It can just sound cool. Right?
Trevor: Well, yeah, but it should be tied into it somehow. They didn’t call Raiders “Indiana Jones and the Prada-Knockoff Handbag” for a reason…

So, pending further changes, we have a title.

Tron: Morphology

Click to embiggen

Paddle your own canoe, guys and gals.
